Why Are We Stopping The World Because Of Covid-19?

I have received five emails in the last month asking if I want my son to go back to school or do online classes.

It’s like the school system wants parents to demand the schools stay closed. They want everyone cowering in their homes.  Everybody should stay inside sanitizing doorknobs and wearing masks and gloves to go to the mailbox or even open the door.  They are somehow convinced the virus is going to come down the chimney or through the vents and cause instant, sudden death.

They can keep sending forms, it won’t change my mind. Each and every time they have sent out the survey, I’ve voted to have my child go back to real school. It’s really hurting him to be home. He’s bored, can’t see anybody his own age, and is watching 8 hours of TV a day because his Dad and I are busy working. What about him slipping into depression and video game addiction? Isn’t that a problem just as serious if not more so than a virus that only kills about .03 percent of those who get it?

Fortunately, tomorrow is the last day the survey can be completed, and Thursday it will be decided once and for all if it’s “safe” enough for kids to go back to school.

People act as if there were bodies lining the streets. I’ve seen so many articles likening this virus to the medieval black plague. As if people are falling victim to this illness as quickly as though they had been shot. Here one minute, gone the next.

It’s not true.

Yes, it’s horrible a few people experience a bad outcome, but look at how it affects those who can’t social distance or use hand sanitizer.

I have a friend in prison right now who is a Pathologist (or was), so I have first hand information about what’s going on from his perspective. Basically, everyone has it. Oh they take temperatures and only test those who have a fever above 99, but the entire compound has symptoms. Strange headache, aches, cold like symptoms. They all have Covid-19, it’s just that most either have mild symptoms or no symptoms at all.

A good indicator the virus in rampant and not really that deadly is that most of the tests done on the compound have come back positive. At this point they have tested around 200 people at his facility and more than 3/4ths of the tests come back positive for Covid-19. Funny enough, they’ve had zero Covid-19 related deaths at the particular facility where my friend is, and there has only been one death in the entire compound over the last five months. If this was a horrific killer, more people would have died. First responders and attending physicians would be six feet under. Criminals would be roaming free as nobody would come in to work in order to avoid certain death.

I will say, I do know one lady who does have Covid-19 and is currently in the hospital on a ventilator. It is awful, but she is around 60. She’s overweight and has some underlying conditions so she was never the picture of health to begin with. I do feel horrible for this woman. It would be awful to have to go on a ventilator and be drugged up with Fentanyl just to be able to breathe, but this happens in a minority of cases. 99.7 percent of people survive the virus, and the vast majority experience only mild symptoms.

The world has gone crazy though. When I log on to my piano teacher group, you would think the virus was certain death. People are putting up plexiglass walls. They are quarantining their mail, adding outdoor hand washing stations, and sanitizing the life out of their studios, that is if they dare to teach in person at all. It is absolutely ridiculous if you ask me. In reality, there is little you can do to keep a virus at bay. It’s a virus!

So what is the bigger picture? Is it the election? Is this really just to keep Donald Trump from winning? If so, it’s a horrible prank thing to pull on the American people. We’re sacrificing our well being, our jobs, our livelihoods and everything else over a few people who might get the virus and have a bad reaction?

I don’t understand why we don’t aggressively quarantine those with health issues and underlying conditions and let those of us who are healthy get back to work and school. Yes, a few people are going to die of Covid-19. People are also dying in car accidents. Do we ban cars? People have been struck by lighting as well. Do we ban weather? I simply don’t understand. It’s like mass hysteria has gripped the nation.

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