The Karen Thing Is Not Ok

I have seen so many articles and YouTube videos proclaiming the “Karen” phenomenon NOT hurtful. That it is in no way a racial slur. “Karen” is an attitude. She is the privileged white woman with the asymmetrical hair cut. The one wearing capri pants in Starbucks complaining to the manager. She calls the cops on black people for minding their business, and refuses to wear her mask at Costco. Most of all, she votes Trump so she’s fair game.

But what if we all agreed to call black women “LaKeisha’s”?

Not every black woman…just FAT black women over 40 years old. The loud ones that have blood red nails proclaiming “I don’t do dishes,” a three foot long weave, and a shirt cut in such a way to expose a faded boob tattoo that seemed like a great idea back in 98. She also complains to the manager, is always has to be right, hates Trump but isn’t registered to vote.

I would be fired from my job if I suggested such a thing.

Why, you ask? Because of white privileged. When you are born white, you get a card that has a million dollars on it and a country club membership, so you have no right to speak up about anything. The system is totally for you. It’s been rooting for you all your life. Therefore, you better sit down and shut up. If you don’t, you’re a “Karen.” If you are black, of course you can say whatever you want. The system is against you, so a black person’s feelings are more than justified in ANY situation. If black people are offended, it must be offensive. If white people are offended, they need to shut up or “take a joke.”

With this type of hypocritical thinking it makes me wonder if ever anybody has ever been to Kindergarten.

In the lowest grade levels, you would never allow name calling. Even if the name wasn’t meant to be offensive, you wouldn’t allow it because of hurt feelings. If little Billy is offended somebody called him a “firetruck” or the color “orange” and his feelings were hurt, you would tell his classmates to stop, no matter what color Billy happened to be. Nobody should be made to feel less than just because of how they look or what age they are. Hurtful language is hurtful. If people are offended, it makes it bad.

The fact that “Karen” is a real name to countless woman doesn’t make it any less horrible. It only brings hurt and shame to the people named Karen. I feel bad for these women. I also feel bad for the little girls who are named after their grandmother’s who have to bear the brunt of this. It’s not fair, and I don’t understand the hypocrisy of those who insist it is ok to call one ethnic group names, but not ok to do it to others. Maybe some people should go back to Kindergarten.

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